Use public recycling points where they are provided. Elite Paper and Al Suwaidi provide recycling cages for paper and cardboard across Doha and the surrounding areas. Plastic and paper recycling points are also available at The Pearl and Dahl Al Hamam Park. And don’t forget the recycling bins located in malls around Doha. It only takes a moment to make sure you place your rubbish in the right bin and it sets a great example for your children.

Where to recycle

Before you recycle, read the labelling; there are often disposal instructions which tell you if a product can be recycled or not. Separate your waste into different types to help the waste processors. Check which businesses are using recycled materials. You may be able donate unwanted items to them. For example, H&M use recycled fabric to create many of their new garments and have, in-store depositories for donated clothes. If you need advice for specialist disposal, contact your municipality or an appropriate contractor.

Recycling and waste collection companies

Al Haya Enviro


Electronic waste, hazardous waste, office waste, used oil, hydrocarbon recovery, waste to compost. Will provide a collection service for electronic waste if it is a considerable amount.

Al Hodaifi Recycling



Averda Qatar


Waste collection, cleaning and sorting, recycling, composting, incineration and landfill

Al Suwaidi Paper


Paper collection and recycling, production of recycled paper products. Contact for your nearest recycling location

Boom Waste Treatment Co.


Bio-medical waste management, industrial waste management, veterinary waste management

Elite Paper Recycling


Collection of paper and cardboard waste from recycling cages countrywide. Contact for your nearest recycling location



Collection and processing used cooking oil

Global Metals LLC


Collection, processing and recycling metals, aluminium, and plastics. Provides recycling bins. Contact for your nearest recycling location

Manhal Trading and Contracting Co.


Industrial waste management, collection and recycling, hazardous waste management, drum management

Power Waste Management & Transport Co.


Waste consultancy and management

Rassas Battery Recycling Factory


Battery recycling

Seashore Group


Placement of bins, collection, sorting, recycling, treatment and disposal

Twyla Recycling


Wastewater treatment, plastic recycling

Can I recycle…


Yes, contact a recycling company

No, throw these in the trash

Paper & Cardboard

Cardboard boxes and cartons, newspapers, magazines, catalogues, directories, books, office paper, mail and envelopes, greeting cardsFood or oil-contaminated paper, cardboard, paper towels and tissues; wax-coated beverage cups, boxes and cartons, glittery gift-wrapping paper


Plastic bottles, pots, tubs and trays, clothes hangers, buckets, detergent jugsPolystyrene, plastic film, plastic bags, bubble wrap, plastic toys


Metal food and drink cans and trays; aluminium; steel; aluminium foil; empty, uncrushed aerosol cans; kitchen utensils; pots and pans; metal bathroom fixturesMetal and plastic mix materials such as coat hangers, crisp packets, pet food pouches

Electric & Electronic items

Small items: CDs, DVDs, cables, accessories, hair driers, food mixers, lamps: large items: freezers, fridges, TVs, computers, printers, microwaves, dishwashers can be recycled by specialistsStandard light bulbs

Recycling in Qatar has come a long way but there still are no options for recycling glass. With more companies in Qatar switching to glass instead of plastic for some of their products, we hope that a bottle return or recycling programme is in Qatar’s near future. In the meantime, find creative ways to reuse your glass bottles and jars such as leftover food storage, crafts or even drinking glasses.


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