Self-service in the digital age

Consumers no longer want to spend time queuing up or hanging on the telephone in order to access services and information. These days we want answers and results immediately; we want online services that are quick, convenient, user-friendly and available at the touch of a button. This shift towards easier and more efficient online services is particularly positive for anyone needing to complete government processes—especially new expats.

Navigating Qatar’s government information and services

E-services in Qatar have seen rapid expansion. Hukoomi, an online portal to government information and services, has become the gateway for all official online services relating to residents, citizens, tourists, and businesses in Qatar.

The site provides general information about Qatar and its governance structures, rules and customs, visas and permits, tax systems, employment contracts and pensions, education and childcare, health care and medical insurance, utilities, and driving licences. Guidance and links on how to access and obtain official documents, permits and permissions are also provided. The site also provides official news, a contact directory for all ministries, embassies, government and non-government agencies, lists of local and national events, government data and statistics, and links to mobile applications available in Qatar.

Hukoomi can be accessed at, or by downloading the mobile application, via the Apple Store or Google Play, and using your Qatari ID and mobile phone number as login details.

Qatar’s most-helpful government app

Expats and nationals who download the Metrash2 app are able to apply for, obtain, check the status of, renew and update various official documents, credentials and certificates. More than 100 services, including visa extension and renewal, renewing residency permits, applying for exit permits, paying for traffic violations, renewing a driving licence, and more, can be accessed via Metrash2.

Metrash2 is a free application, available at the Apple Store and Google Play. To activate the service, you will need your Qatari ID and expiry date and your mobile phone number.


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