Qatar National Child Passenger Safety Program, also known as “Ghalai”, opened its second car seat checking station at Sidra Medicine this Tuesday. The station, located in the basement parking of the main hospital (Tower A), is run by certified child passenger safety technicians. Parents and caregivers visiting the station can learn about the benefits of car seats and how to select the best car seat to suit their child’s needs.
According to Qatar News Agency, the station was opened by Sheikh Dr Mohammed bin Hamad Al-Thani, director of the Public Health Department at the Ministry of Public Health (MOPH).
Ghalai was launched in March 2019, and its first station opened at Hamad Medical Corporation’s Women Wellness and Research Center (WWRC). The programme is aligned with the National Strategy for Traffic Safety goals.
Sheikh Dr Al-Thani explains that the name “Ghalai” was given to the programme as it means “my precious” in the Qatari Arabic dialect. “It highlights the commitment of our government towards promoting the safety of those who are among the most precious to us, our children,” he says.
Why Is This Important?
According to the World Health Organization’s World report on child injury prevention booklet, ensuring that children are well seated and well restrained in cars reduces their risk of death and injury in car accidents. The report also mentions that up to half of child road traffic deaths were among children in vehicles.
Who Can Visit The Station?
Some of the categories Sidra Medicine lists on its website include:
• new and expecting parents
• parents soon having babies at Sidra or any other hospital
• families with one child or more
• families with special needs children
• caregivers, grandparents, relatives, drivers, or friends expecting visitors with children who may need to have car seats ready for them
The technicians at Sidra’s Ghalai station can help visitors choose the best car seat for their child and vehicle. They can also help with seat positioning and advise if it is time to get a new one. Although the station does not provide car seats, visitors can come to learn how to install the ones they already have or have purchased. All of the services are free of charge.
Visitors can show up at the station without an appointment between 10 am and 1 pm Sunday to Thursday. Please note that it can only accommodate two vehicles at a time. To find out more, call 4003-3333 or visit