Author: Kim Wyatt

Doha’s towering skyscrapers sit glistening in the blazing sun, majestically overlooking the luminous, turquoise waters of the Persian Gulf. Just further down the road, clustered near the iconic Museum of Islamic Art, a group of traditional, wooden dhow boats sit anchored to the moors, waiting patiently for their next fishing adventure. It’s a picture-perfect scene, rooted in the past and future, and an important reminder of Qatar’s undeniable history and connection to the sea.Before the discovery of oil and gas, Doha was a quiet and sleepy town steeped in tradition and community. Dependent on the sea for pearl diving and…

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Check any local supermarket shelf, and you’ll see a range of “Made in Qatar” goodies, from fresh fruit, veggies, meat, fish, poultry, and eggs to milk and yoghurt. Have you noticed an increasing number of local products such as flour, pizzas, juices, and ice creams? Supermarkets are becoming a treasure trove of homegrown brands, and for shoppers, the benefits are many. From freshness and flavour to affordable prices, buying local produce is a sure-fire way to get extra value out of your hard-earned riyal. And the benefits don’t end there—”buying local” is also a great way to help the environment…

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One of Qatar’s most famous folktales tells the gruesome story of Bu Draeyah, better known as ‘The Father of the Sea’. Half man and half sea creature, the evil water djinn terrorises unsuspecting seafarers, fishermen, and pearl divers who earn their living from the sea. In the night, the mythical monster rises from the depths to devour the sleeping occupants onboard their vessels.As chaos reigns, Bu Draeyah causes destruction and mayhem, often overturning boats and destroying the precious cargo collected by the occupants. Back in the day, it’s no wonder the tale frightened sailors to stand guard at night for…

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In March 2020, Qatar plunged into a series of Covid-19 restrictions and lockdowns. Authorities began closing schools, public spaces, hotels, and malls. Social distancing, isolation, and face masks were mandated as everyone stayed at home and tried their hardest to come to terms with and make sense of the world. In June 2020, as Covid-19 cases decreased, restrictions gradually lifted, only to be reintroduced months later.Who would have thought that since the first lockdown 18 months ago, the world would still be gripped by Covid-19? For many people across the globe, the pandemic continues to take a physical, emotional, and…

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Mohammed Abu Zeinab is on a mission. The entrepreneur, who is the founder and regional Director of Brain Education ™ Middle East ™ (BEME), wants to empower individuals and the community. For Mohammed, the key to personal happiness, health, and peace can be found in the brain. The former TEDx speaker believes that everyone, no matter how young or old, has the power to take control of their own happiness and health and harness their brain power.Inspired to MoveThroughout his career, the Qatar Foundation alumnus has worked in education, health, and sports. It’s obvious that movement has always been an…

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In 2014, Layla Al-Dorani was named one of the prestigious Forbes Middle East Top 200 Most Powerful Arab Women. A pioneer in Qatar’s flourishing wellness industry, the entrepreneur has made a successful business out of well-being. In 2010, Layla launched Qatar’s first cold-pressed juice company, the award-winning vegan brand RAW ME. Since then, RAW ME has expanded to create a range of vibrant, vitamin-packed plant-based food and beverages ranging from gluten-free granolas to jackfruit burgers and chocolate chia puddings. But that’s not all. Alongside RAW ME, Layla and her business partner husband have launched other vegan businesses, including Nosh Cravings…

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Pizza and pasta are undeniably two of the world’s most loved dishes (and frequent family favourites!), but there’s more to offer from Italian cuisine. Located in Southern Europe, Italy is divided into twenty regions, each boasting unique culinary traditions, customs, and ingredients, offering a breadbasket of gastronomic delights. From the cold snowcapped Alps in the north to the warm turquoise waters of the south, the climate varies from region to region and offers an abundant array of ingredients. Think delicious cheeses such as mascarpone and ricotta from fertile, green pastures to freshly caught seafood such as sardines and anchovies from…

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The past two years have undoubtedly been challenging. Still, living through a pandemic has taught the world a much-needed lesson: the importance of community. We discovered ways to maintain our relationships with family and friends despite endless stretches of isolation, online schooling, and social restrictions. Virtual meetings and video calls became our lifeline to the outside world as our social lives became increasingly limited. Now, as the world slowly recovers, we’re returning to familiar routines, places, and faces. We’re dusting off the Covid cobwebs and starting to reengage with our lives and communities.For many schools in Qatar, community activities form…

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